Dickens by the word*
Further to yesterday's post, I was trying to find out which of Dickens's novels is the longest, and I came upon this 2011 post by Norman Geras. I'll reproduce his list here, with the addition of A Christmas Carol, as I'm including that in my Dickens project. (It's hard to find a definitive figure for A Christmas Carol, but the vague consensus seems to be around 36, 000 words.)
David Copperfield: 357,489
Dombey and Son: 357,484
Bleak House: 355,936
Little Dorrit: 339,870
Martin Chuzzlewit: 338,077
Our Mutual Friend: 327,727
Nicholas Nickleby: 323,722
The Pickwick Papers: 302,190
Barnaby Rudge: 255,229
The Old Curiosity Shop: 218,538
Great Expectations: 186,339
Oliver Twist: 158,631
A Tale of Two Cities: 137,000
Hard Times: 104,821
The Mystery of Edwin Drood: 96,178 (unfinished, lazy sod)
A Christmas Carol: 36, 000
Slightly discouraging to note that five of the top six are on my to-read list.
*Dickens wasn't paid by the word, as is often claimed, but by the installment.