Habitual Mood

Mutterings from elsewhere

An occasional selection of stuff I've said on social media, which for me these days means Bluesky. As with most blogging ideas worth stealing, this one is stolen from Mark Weidenbaum.


"I refuse to just read novels, I want to keep reading children’s books, I want to read poetry on the loo, I want to read essay collections, I want to read big, boring books about world wars… I want it all, and that’s the joy. We should all be reading as widely and as freely as we want."

Max Porter, on a 2015 episode of Little Atoms


Partner and I are sitting here showing each other photos of the cat. The cat is in the next room.


Every album should start with “Aces High”. Doesn’t matter what the rest of the album is, the first song is Maiden doing “Aces High”.


"Postman Seen Me Cryin'" - my new alt-country bop, now on all streaming services


It’s a beautiful moment when you watch the first episode of a show with your partner, then as the closing credits roll you look at one another and say, well, that was shit.


Plan your novel with Scapple, the revolutionary mind-mapping app that sounds like an infectious skin disease.


Saw a Goodreads review that referred derisively to "book critics, armchair and otherwise" and I hate to tell you, Goodreads reviewer, but all book critics use armchairs, or at least couches. Professional book critics aren't issued with special chairs.


Me, an adult: sets up appointment for midday

Me, a 2yo: but that’s my wunch time!

#mutterings from elsewhere